About my blog and I

I'm fascinated by technology, I'm curious about art, and I enjoy computer games.
But I LOVE food! Every aspect of it!

Trying new ingredients, learning and perfecting cooking methods, understanding taste and combining them, trying to understand nutrition, browsing ingredients, or pondering about food's history and influence. It really gets attention!

I am 25 years old, single, full time emplyed 3d-animator. I have a 26sq/m apartment, with a kitchen no bigger than arms span, and I spend 8 hours a week working out.
I should probably just be cooking the same 5-6 easy and/or odd dishes, and live on take-away.
Instead, I try to do easy, not too messy, different dishes every evening, and making a small hobby out of it.

Being kind of inapt in keeping a cookbook secure from all the wet stuff in a kitchen, I usually just go by feeling, and get inspiration from recipes, instead of following them.

This blog is my documentation for this hobby, with a picture for each meal, along with some details, and what I thought of the result. It was originally just for personal use, but on request I started sharing, so someone else might get inspired :)