søndag den 19. august 2012

Not so light, but very simple

Quick food, where I felt like redoing the tahina dressing after last times failure.

I removed the olives and replaced them with dried cranberries. So it was bun with yoghurt cheese and olive oil, and a salad of blanched kale, roasted almonds, and the good tahina dressing.

After the cranberries were added to add a sweet side, it was really good. Tahin works well with greens with a little more taste, like kale compared to salad.
Heirloom tomatoes again, with celery and tahina again. And the pulled pork, again...

Pulled pork on bun, salad of small heirloom tomatoes and celery with a dressing of yoghurt, tahin, garlic, lemon juice, chili and salt.

Creme fraiche should have been used instead of yoghurt, or just the regular way of making it. At least there wasn't much taste.

tirsdag den 14. august 2012

The best way to consume cheap whiskey

This is easy and good, just remember to let it simmer for at least half an hour, or more, to get the alcohol out...

Oh! And tried my new combi oven!
It's awesome for pumpkin, just half an hours cooking, no preheat :P

Roastbeef from weekend grilling, reheated in microwave (not the best idea).
Pumpkin with oil and salt, roasted in oven for 30 min at 200 degrees.
Fried chopped onion and mushrooms in butter, then added tomato paste, fried a little more, then a splash of whiskey, a little water, Milda 7% cream replacement, thyme, salt, and pepper.

Meat was of course way too dry, and the squash got a little too much oil. But the sauce was awesome!

Hearty hearty piggy soup

With all the soup from the pork neck, I had to make this.
Even though the weather was way too sunny for it..

Soup from piggyboil, with a little fish sauce and some spring cabbage.
Fried some of the pork with some chickpeas and a little of the fish sauce until slight browning.

When I added the fishsauce, and the fishy smell spread all through the kitchen, I thought "Oh god... Now I ruined it.." But! A minute later it settled, and the result was alot better, than if I had tried with soy sauce or just salt.
This was generally an awesome soup, have to try this again!

torsdag den 9. august 2012

The best Risotto

I had a lot of soup from the cooking of the pork, so I decided to use some of it for risotto.
Since it was so filling in taste, I decided to make it with mushrooms and the rest of my spinach.

Mushrooms, onion, and garlic roasted in butter, then added port wine, and little by little the smoky fond from cooking the pork was added, just ½dl a time, waiting for the rice to absorb it, before adding more. Then added spinach, pork, and salt and pepper, and heated through.

Served with sliced bell peppers with chili oil, lemon juice, and salt.

This was the best risotto I have ever had, period.. 

Pulled Pork Sammich

Bought 2kg of pork neck, and gave it a night in the slow cooker (first at high, until boiling, then medium through the night), along with carrots, onion, juniper, a bag of pickle spices (mustard, piri piri, and pepper), bay leaves, garlic, a little salt and sugar, and the deglaze from the pan I roasted the neck in along with a bit of pork fond.
This will be on the menu in different variations the next 3 days.

Bought "carrot bun" with "stolen" green salad, and pickled onions. Added a little sweet chili sauce too.

Should have tasted the onions before suing them. They were salty, and not sweet at all.
A dressing for the green salad could have been neat, too.
The meat was a little too dry, so more sweet chili sauce would have been good too.

This should usually be with coleslaw, so that for next time.

mandag den 6. august 2012


And now for something COMPLETELY different! In the spirit of the great CrossFit™!
A smoothie for a meal!

Beetroot, apple, frozen blackberries, carrot, ginger, honey, sweetener, and vanilla. All blended up with yoghurt natural.

Tried and true, so this was of course real good stuff! A bit lumpy, and since it was kind of acid, the yoghurt also curdled. I kind of like to be able to chew my drink though ;)

Nice and Spinach

In a lack of time, I ended up making this salad, which also happen to be a good alternative for vegetarian day. I did however add Fuet, a spanish smoked thin sausage. Usually spiced, but unlike chorizo, not with red pepper of any kind. This could, however, have been omitted, and the meal would still be cheap, protein-rich, and vegetarian.

There has also been found evidence that spinach (and beetroot amoung others) actually DOES improve strength ;) (http://www.medicaldaily.com/news/20120626/10452/spinach-muscles-nitrate.htm)

Baby spinach with lemon and a little chili. crumbled creamy yoghurt cheese, black olives, and a lot of cooked, fried chickpeas. Topped with slices of fuet.

It was good and fresh. With both roasted, tangy, salty, and umami taste. It could use a bit of sweet though, so some dried or fresh berries could do. Like cranberries.

lørdag den 4. august 2012

Can you eat that?!

So I wanted to use the rest of the mash for a pancake, and mixed it up with eggs. Result really didn't work, but it tasted WONDERFUL!

Salmon patted in breadcrumbs and salt, and then fried.
Mash of cauliflower, potatoes, and carrots, mixed with an egg, some manchego cheese, and chopped spring onions.

Yep, all the starch didn't stiffen when fried, and it all just fell apart, but became this incredibly tasty mush! Yum! 

Mushy mushy mush

Instead of mash, I got goo, because I didn't think about what happens when you blend starchy roots and veggies.

"Frikadeller" stolen from work :P Grated cucumber in vinegar with chiracha and honey.
The mash is a mix of potatoes, cauliflower, and carrots, with a bit of butter. Topped with roasted walnuts and spring onions.

The cucumber was a nice complementary to the meatballs. The mash was made in the blender, and it got okay, but way too gooey. Also the walnuts were a waste, and the spring onions should have been fried...

I tried again with just potatoes a few days after, mashing them the right way. TUrned out better, but to get it really good, I think it should be 1/3 blended, and 2/3 mashed, to make it creamy, and less dry.