tirsdag den 14. august 2012

The best way to consume cheap whiskey

This is easy and good, just remember to let it simmer for at least half an hour, or more, to get the alcohol out...

Oh! And tried my new combi oven!
It's awesome for pumpkin, just half an hours cooking, no preheat :P

Roastbeef from weekend grilling, reheated in microwave (not the best idea).
Pumpkin with oil and salt, roasted in oven for 30 min at 200 degrees.
Fried chopped onion and mushrooms in butter, then added tomato paste, fried a little more, then a splash of whiskey, a little water, Milda 7% cream replacement, thyme, salt, and pepper.

Meat was of course way too dry, and the squash got a little too much oil. But the sauce was awesome!

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