lørdag den 4. august 2012

Mushy mushy mush

Instead of mash, I got goo, because I didn't think about what happens when you blend starchy roots and veggies.

"Frikadeller" stolen from work :P Grated cucumber in vinegar with chiracha and honey.
The mash is a mix of potatoes, cauliflower, and carrots, with a bit of butter. Topped with roasted walnuts and spring onions.

The cucumber was a nice complementary to the meatballs. The mash was made in the blender, and it got okay, but way too gooey. Also the walnuts were a waste, and the spring onions should have been fried...

I tried again with just potatoes a few days after, mashing them the right way. TUrned out better, but to get it really good, I think it should be 1/3 blended, and 2/3 mashed, to make it creamy, and less dry.

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