onsdag den 13. juni 2012

Another awesome israeli dish

At almost every meal in Israel, I was served a small salad. Usually of iceberg, cucumber, tomato, and bell pepper. On top of it was a typical herbal sweet/sour dressing (the kind we call "italian").
Also served often was bread with tahin-dip. This was "raw" tahin (just the very liquid paste) mixed with water, lemon juice, garlic, and salt.
Thought I'd make a slightly different salad, and use the tahindip as dressing instead.

Diced cucumber, sliced red onion, and chopped red bell pepper. Crumbled soft feta-like cheese.
Tahin-dressing, and topped with roasted almonds and cilantro. Also mixed in some cottage cheese to get it used, and eaten with a slice of dark bread on the side.

The cottage cheese did nothing for the experience, but the tahin is awesome! Also nice with something that didn't cater to the umami or sweet tastebuds. Very summer-like, for the grey weather.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Post the recipe for the dressing! Do iiiiiiiiit :D

  2. As you wish! *Ahem!*...:

    Recipe for tahin dressing, as observed in Israel:

    ½dl Tahin (smooth liquid "real" version)
    Juice from ½ a lemon
    1 clove Garlic, minced
    Pinch of Salt

    1. Take the tahin in a small bowl, stir in garlic, a little water, a a little lemon, and salt.
    3. Add a little more water, and stir well until combined, continue until it has a dressing-like consistency (might thicken a bit first, just add more water)
    3. Taste, and add more salt/lemon if needed.
