mandag den 11. juni 2012


Yes, of course I should try with some israelian food :P

This is shakshuka. A tomato casserole with porched eggs on top. In this case topped with cilantro and salted soft fresh cheese.

Onion, bell pepper, chili, garlic, paprika, cumin, fried in olive oil. Canned whole tomatoes added, and simmered a bit. Eggplant fried for a bit in olive oil, then added to the simmering sauce. Eggs added on top for poaching, and lid was put on the pot.
For "cosmetic reasons" the eggs were taken up again when done, and the sauce poured into a suitable dish. Then eggs added back, and the dish topped with cheese and cilantro. Served with large "pita".

The dish was pretty good, and the different spicing was a nice different. Fresh cheese was a great addition to the dish, and I think I like cilantro again :) Only thing wrong was that the eggplants still need a little more time to get done.

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