tirsdag den 19. juni 2012


Soon I will have to live on a really low budget, but that shouldn't stop me from getting my protein.
Therefore, in a search for cheap protein-rich food, I decided to try pigs heart.
This was made from this danish TV chef recipe: http://www.dr.dk/DR1/SpisemedPrice/Opskrifterne/Program_5_-_Krise_Med_Price/

Same as recipe. Yasmin rice, and cilantro on top, in lack of parsley. Also, used 38% creme fraiche. 18% could have done the trick if mixed with a little flour. But it is tricky to get right, and will taste slightly "worse".. Also, 1-2 tbsp of creme fraiche isn't THAT bad. 

This var really good! Maybe a little more than 70 minutes would have done the hearts good, making them slightly less chewy.

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