onsdag den 9. maj 2012

Canned Thai

Is it just me, or can you can more asian foods than european? Or is it just that we have no idea how it should taste, so we just go with all the conserve and frozen?
Anyway, this was to use my instant coconutmilk powder, and try this galanga paste.

Thawed cooked chicken, boiled with a bit of premade bouillon, with organic coconut milk powder.
Added galanga paste, garlic, and lemongrass. Then added baby corn, mushrooms, and adjusted with fish sauce, lime juice, and a bit of syrup. Added whole grain noodles at the end.
It is a very standard recipe. I even have it in a very generic cookbook. Otherwise one that is precisely like this one can be found here: http://blog.seasonwithspice.com/2012/04/thailand-chicken-galangal-soup-recipe.html

Creamy and spicy. This is really some of the most awesome tasting dishes you can throw together in less than an hour. Never tried with mushrooms, really good! Couldn't taste the galanga. Might as well use ginger.. Lemongrass is nice (and you can freeze it)...
And really need a bigger bowl! What a mess!

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