onsdag den 23. maj 2012

When You don't have a Grill

This should have been bbq'd, but the grill on the terrace turned out to be useless (Which I found out AFTER spending over an hour getting materials for it home).
A nice big lump of clarified butter and plenty of heat yielded some really good results on the pan anyway.

Rib Eye Steak seared in ghee on a hot pan, seasoned with salt and pepper.
Boiled haricot verdes and small potatoes, fresh tomatoes, and a mixture of porcini-tapenade, roasted chopped hazelnuts, rosemary, and salt.

This time around I made sure I had "elbowroom" to handle the steak, and that the side was easy to just munch into. The steak was dark red inside, but nicely browned on the outside.
Potatoes, haricot verdes, and tomatoes were a good combination. Especially with the added cream.

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