mandag den 14. maj 2012

Pesto pesto!

Did you know that you can't buy a real Pesto Genovese in stores?
Ok, maybe some specialty-store somewhere, but not in the supermarket, not at all...
Unlike Bearnaise the problem is not that it won't stay fine in glass. The problem is the price.
Basil is not the big issue here. Instead it is the pine nuts. It is the ingredient you will almost never find in any real quantity in store-bought pesto.

But why is that a problem? Why not just make it yourself? Well for me, the problem with that has been that the taste has always been thin and salty.

I thought that couldn't be true, so I looked through the standard process, and adapted it to blending. Worked like a charm!

Smoked cured pork slices. Grilled "grilling cheese" (sort of halloumi-like, probably called something else because of regional protection). Oven-grilled tomatoes with salt and pepper. Boiled small potatoes with skin. Pesto made by blending garlic, salt, and roasted pine nuts to a paste. Then adding basil leaves, blend, scrape, add, blend, scrape. Then added grated Pecorino at the end (because Parmesan is a bit too salty I think). It was slightly diluted with olive oil, which I also used a drop of to loosen the paste before adding basil leaves.

Smoked pork was good with the grilled cheese and potatoes.
Maybe the potatoes could have used a light frying, but that would propably have gotten a little too greasy. Pesto was very round in flavor, and almost lacked salt this time. Next time I need more basil...

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