mandag den 21. maj 2012


Well I wish I had some pictures of the thin omelets I made this weekend, but instead I made this one.
I have grown up with an omelet being a deep pan dish with lots of ingredients. This is my attempt af something like that, but with the ingredients prepared by itself, and added on top of the not-yet-coagulated egg mass.

Omelet of 2 eggs and an eggwhite, with a splash of milk and salt. Topped with mixed mushrooms, fried in the fat from the rind of a piece of smoked ham. After a bit of time a leek and the lean of the smoked pork was added along with garlic, salt, pepper and fresh sage.
It was all topped with a puré of tomatoes, snackpepper, and bird's eye chilies grilled in the oven, mixed with garlic, salt, sugar, and vinegar. This was thickened with a bit of corn starch.
Homemade sour dough pumpkin seed bread on the side...

It was the best omelet I've made to date! Only problem was that the puré did not really taste as I'd like it to. Should have heated it to a boil in a pan after adding the starch, adn should have used less sugar.

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