onsdag den 18. juli 2012

Boooouuur... Gig... Non???

Bourguignonne sounds weird, and tastes AWESOME.. Beef, tomato, and red wine. What can go wrong?!

Yes, for this one I just stole a recipe, for once.

A little less bacon, 100g of mushrooms, canned pearl onions, and just some random dry wine that I had in the fridge for... Eh... Weeks :S

I'm not the one to say someone else's recipe is anything but perfect, but this one actually was ;)
A little too salty, which was me just being too generous with the salt here and there.
It was made on veal shoulder, so could have used 2-4 hours of simmering. The meat could have been SO much more tender. Maybe something to try with the slow cooker!

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