tirsdag den 3. juli 2012

Green leaves and Bacon Grease

I wanted to try bacon and olives together, and this was the result.

Green salad leaves for bottom, chopped orange for a fruity touch, and a dressing of lemon juice, honey, and lemon oil.
I made the lemon oil by grating the peel off a lemon and adding this to a small bottle of oil.
Chicken, fried with herbs, bacon fried alone, and halved black olives and half cherry tomatoes.
Topped with cilantro and roasted sunflower seeds.

The olive/bacon combination would be SO much better in an omelet or something. Also, the dressing didn't work as it should (again) needed more aroma, and less sourness. Also, honey was a mistake.
It was a pretty good combination though, with bacon, chicken, tomatoes, and olives.

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