mandag den 16. april 2012

13/4: Chicken on Spelt and Peas

The is my favorite kind of meal, where you can just dig in, instead of trying to balance five different things on the fork to get the unified taste expression. (Always leaving you with half of it hanging outside your mouth :( )

Pearl Spelt mixed with peas and ricotta blended together with sweet basil.
Added extra peas for variation to the texture.
Roasted pinenuts for sweetness and topped with fresh onions to add a bit of edge.
Chicken coverede in mild mustard and breading to seal in the moisture. Grilled in panini grill.
Chorizo added for extra salt and spice to counter the sweet and fresh base along with the chicken.

The creaminess was really nice, and the sweetness of the peas worked so well with the basil!

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