mandag den 16. april 2012

Brunost really isn't that bad...

Brunost, norwegian caramelised whey cheese ("brown cheese"), tastes like dolce de leche with a... "piquant" node. Definitely an acquired taste, but had to try it, and thought I'd give it a shot as "filler" with meat.

This is a very basic meatsauce with meat browned with onions, salt, peppers, and chili.
Afterwards added tomatoes, tomatopaste, red wine vinegar, salt, and pepper.
What sets this apart is the final touch, of stirring in norwegian "brunost", a caramelized whey cheese.

This gives it a slight tinge and a "fill" in its creaminess and caramel sweetness.
Sweetness enhanced with a dollop of syrup.
Served on jasmin rice with 3 drops of pandan essence (works better with basmati)

The brunost wasn't quite as potent as I had expected. One should use rather small amounts of tomato paste to avoid it overwhelming the brunost

Meat was free range and organic. Not for my health, not for the taste, but because I feel responsible for what I eat (even though I know it might not be globally scalable)

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