lørdag den 28. april 2012

Mai Stik Longong

... Unfortunately... Because this is a dish for chopsticks, just for a good big mess and alot of slurping. But I had to stick to fork though...

Slow-cooked shredded teriyaki chicken.
Sugar peas, carrots, and snack-peber sliced in half/diagonal slices/sticks and stir-fried for a minute (or less) in smoking hot sesame oil, along with a little salt and sesame seeds.
Served on a bed of basmati-rice. Cooked after instructions on bag, but with a little bit of coconut cream flavored with pandan essence instead of butter as the package said.

This was really good, and not as heavy in the taste as chinese food can be some times.
The rice worked really well. I love sticky rice, which the coconut cream helped with.
The vegetables were a littletoo greasy, should go lighter on the sesame oil.
The play between the subtle sesame and pandan aroma, against the strong teriyaki, was blissful!
Also, just as the chinese would like it: The chicken was tender, the vegetables crunchy, and the rice creamy. Good texture variation, definitely a keeper.

Teriyaki chicken recipe from http://www.justgetoffyourbuttandbake.com/?p=6180 via http://clairekcreations.com/2012/04/teriyaki-chicken-in-the-slow-cooker/ (Who apparently got it from http://www.babycenter.com/)

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