mandag den 23. april 2012

When the sum is too much

No.. I did not eat half a kilo og deer when I made the chili.
The other half was for today.
On my way home I decided to change the rather simple and bland dish.
It seamed kind of.. Unfulfilling.
Also, i DID have one last tortilla, and some tomatoes I had to use up.
Plus the tomatillo topping, and an excess of kvark and that good mature cheddar.

So what better solution, than a burrito!
Unfortunately it didn't turn out that well.. You see, a burrito has to be folded...

A wheat tortilla with 2 slices of cheddar was put in the panini iron on low to melt the cheese.
An excessive amount of the chili is smothered on top, and topped with a grilled sweet pepper, and a salsa made of; chopped tomatoes, a chopped green chili, chopped spring onion, tomatillo topping, apple cider vinegar, salt, and pepper. To counter all the spice and add some freshness, the whole thing was topped with iceberg and a bit of kvark.

DAMN I'm stuffed! It was kind of over the top, and as you can see, it never did become a burrito. Which was kind of a shame, as all the flavors work so well together. Even had to throw out some of the chili :(

Fun fact: Now we are at minced meat again: Norwegian brown cheese is actually not a cheese, as it is based on whey. On the other hand, kvark is actually a cheese! As cheese is defined as a product made of milk solids, and is even made with rennet. On the other hand, creme fraiche is not a cheese,as it has not been strained for whey, so it is a soured milk product, like yoghurt. So there you have it ;)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Oh yay, cheese facts make me happy :D

  2. Cheese is an essential part of a good life, and should therefore be studied and understood for most fulfillment :D
