fredag den 20. april 2012

Double Salmon!

Yea, salmon again. It was 2 for price of one, so I tried making it different this time. Maybe I should try a bit harder to get away from this typical "meat/starch/salad" combination.

Steamed salmon with salt, pepper, and lemon.
Cooked small unpeeled potatoes in danish smoked cheese (only solely danish cheese, actually..) with capers, red onion, sesame oil, and lemon.. Again...
And salad... With tomato, toasted sesame, and... Yes... Lemon... Again

Nothing new or exciting here, but it all worked well. DID however cheat a little with the salad, and busted out a dressing, because THAT was kind of bland...
Also, smoked cheese is kind of gritty, but when melted it is really creamy. 

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